The Importance of Sports Eye Safety

As we know that there are tremendous benefits of sports, it helps us to remain fit and healthy, builds strength, and boost confidence. Sports develop a sense of amiability and physical toughness. While preparing for a sport event, we often take precautions to protect our arms, fingers, legs, and so on from unwanted damage, all of that is essential but what’s more essential is to protect our eyes from the burning rays of the sun.  Firstly, we have to acknowledge the main types of eye-wears and their purposes:

  • Cycling Eye-wear:

Nothing looks more annoying than a pair of eye-wear, that’s sipping off your nose constantly, and need to be pushed back up every 10 seconds. Cycling eye-wear tends to stay in its place regardless, of how bumpy the pavement is, and save you from excess dirt, debris and other hazards. You can shop online at Oakley frogskins, to get the best quality cycling eye-wear.

  • Running Eye-wear:

For a runner, eye-wear is an essential part of their protection kit; it protects runners from the UVB and UVA rays of the sun. Make sure to get a well-fitted pair of eye-wear that withstand the obstacles of the way and doesn’t slip off.

  • Hiking Eye-wear:

When we go for hiking, we often go there to enjoy the beauty of nature but nature has some downfalls too. The purpose of hiking eye-wear is to protect your eyes from the unwanted dirt, particles of leaves and bushes, and the shrubs that you come across on the way.

  • Ski Eye-wear:

Prolonged exposure to cold winds can cause soreness and irritated eyes. Additionally, skiing and snowboarding expose you to wind for an excessive period of time. Ski eye-wear seals your eyes so that cold winds and, other particles won’t deter you from seeing your way distinctly.

Why does eye protection matter?

Oftentimes, we don’t realize that a protective eye-wear is a must. With the following guide, we’ll recognize when we should be protecting our eyes.

Do you know one of the notable causes of blindness in children is eye injuries related to sports? It is dumbfounded enough to make you pull your kid off the field. But the good news is that these injuries can be avoided with the proper use of a protective eye-wear. Now, you can allow your children to participate in all types of physical activities while taking eye safety measures beforehand.

The most common type of sports- related eye injuries are:

Radiation: These eye injuries are caused by prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays of the sun. Athletes who play snow sports or water skiing are at risk for radiation injuries.

Penetrating: During the game, anything can hit your eye for instance an object or another player’s finger, lenient to extensive cut can occur.

Blunt force trauma: It is an eye injury that occurs when something hits your eye forcefully, for instance, a punch, or a fall it can cause an orbital fracture or detached retinas.